Last year I implemented "math trays" in my Kindergarten classroom. And I immediately loved using this system for math time for many reasons...
- All students were independently working at the same time
- All students were engaged and excited to learn about math
- Students could pick their own tray and work at their own pace
- Students developed a sense of independence and took ownership of their own learning and growth
- I was able to pull small groups to reteach or extend math concepts
Even though my class and I loved using math trays...I struggled for months to find an affordable organizational solution for storing and accessing the math trays (or baskets, in my case). The students learned to "ladder stack" the baskets, but it definitely slowed the process of choosing a tray, cleaning up the trays, and switching the activities inside the trays. (see the before picture below)
I knew I had to find a storage solution for my baskets this summer before I introduced math trays to my new kinders. I researched hours online for store bought shelves, but they were either too large and bulky OR too expensive. Building a custom shelf for my needs and my baskets was my only option :)
After measuring my baskets and the counter top in my classroom, I got to work mapping out the custom shelf that would hold all 30 baskets and meet my needs. I went to home depot to buy the joints, 80 ft of pvc pipe (10 foot poles x Qty 8), and a PVC pipe cutter. (Side note: I called home depot prior to shopping and they said they would cut my pipe pieces for me.. but after buying ALL of that pipe, they said they would only cut a few slices for me... such a bummer! I'd recommend shopping at Lowes.) I measured, marked, and (slowly) cut up all of my pipe. Then it was just like putting together a giant set of LEGOS!
Altogether it cost me under 70$ for a shelf this size (with a little pipe leftover for my next project) Best of luck in building your custom shelf! I hope my measurements and instructions are helpful :)
- Miss Beaver